Slides in Keynote and PDF.
Bayes rule
Dependence, independence, conditional probabilities
Naive Bayes classifier
Probability estimation
Tail bounds
Convergence of estimates
Chernoff, Hoeffding
A/B testing and practical tail bounds
Kernel density estimation
Parzen windows
Nearest neighbors
Model Selection
Watson-Nadaraya regression and classification
Exponential families
Gaussian, multinomial and Poisson
Conjugate distributions and smoothing
Parameter estimation
Integrating out
Cover trees
KD Trees
Moore’s tutorial on KD trees and fast lookup structures
Nadarya's Regression Estimator
Watson's Classification Estimator
Watson-Nadaraya regression package in R
Stone’s k-NN regression consistency proof
Cover and Hart’s k-NN classification consistency proof
Tom Cover’s rate analysis for k-NN Rates of Convergence for Nearest Neighbor Procedures.
Sanjoy Dasgupta’s analysis for k-NN estimation with selective sampling
Multiedit and Condense (Dasarathy, Sanchez, Townsend)
Geometric approximation via core sets